
5 Apr, 2024

Why I’m a Public School Teacher But a Private School Parent

2024-04-03T10:49:59-05:00Friday, April 5, 2024|Education Info, Private School, Teachers|

I’m a public school teacher. I love my job. I love my students. I love my school! And I’m sending my kids to a private school anyway. I know this is going to sound hypocritical, but this is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made - as a parent and as a teacher. [...]

26 Feb, 2024

6 Effective Ways Teachers Can Close the Achievement Gap in the Classroom

2024-02-20T09:31:18-06:00Monday, February 26, 2024|Education Info, Teachers|

The achievement gap, or the disparity in academic performance between various students, is an important educational issue. Students from low-income and marginalized backgrounds, as well as those with learning disabilities, frequently fall behind their peers. It is feasible to reduce the achievement gap and guarantee that all kids receive the education they deserve with [...]

9 Jan, 2024

6 Strategies to Help Students Who Struggle with Writing

2023-12-06T09:58:44-06:00Tuesday, January 9, 2024|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Teachers mention over and over again how this generation of students struggle with writing. While it's a frustrating challenge, in many cases, it's not their fault. These students have grown up in an age where long-form communication is rarely required. Most students value short communications--snaps, texts, and memes, for example--over longer-form discourse--and may not [...]

19 Nov, 2021

Teaching Your Students About Time Management

2021-11-19T09:17:37-06:00Friday, November 19, 2021|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers|

Many students find it challenging to manage their time well because they lack time management skills. This can lead to frustration, stress, and overwhelming feelings, especially when they cannot keep up with school demands that require proper time management. Both parents and teachers should teach their students about time management to help them plan well. Teaching [...]

1 Jul, 2021

What Does Academic Integrity Look Like After COVID-19?

2021-07-01T07:58:17-05:00Thursday, July 1, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Teachers|

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic and likely lasting effect on all of us, but perhaps most enduringly on school-age children who may have missed the better part of a full year of schooling in some cases. Beyond gaps in learning, the shift to virtual classrooms has provided opportunities for chronic violations of academic [...]

7 May, 2021

TenneyTube Episode 10: International Students…Coming to America

2021-05-07T08:53:46-05:00Friday, May 7, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Summer Strategies, Teachers|

TenneyTube is a series of videos about common issues for middle and high school students. Episode 10 is about international students. Prior to the pandemic, there were record-breaking numbers of international students in America. Many of these students were college students, but an increasing number of students are coming to America for high school. This [...]

3 May, 2021

Teenagers and Empathy: Why Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom Is Important

2021-05-03T09:56:53-05:00Monday, May 3, 2021|Education Info, Student Health, Teachers|

Teenagers and Empathy: Why Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom Is Important Ah, the smartphone. Great for many things — entertainment, hand-eye coordination, etc. — yet thoroughly detrimental to social behavior and physical interactions. With all this modern technology, our teenagers can pick a fight and start conflict with a touch of the button. There's [...]

20 Apr, 2021

TenneyTube Episode 9: Fight Summer Learning Loss

2021-04-20T07:40:28-05:00Tuesday, April 20, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Summer Strategies, Teachers|

TenneyTube is a series of videos about common issues for middle and high school students. Episode 9 is about summer learning loss or the summer slide. Students will lose some of the academic gains made over the course of the school year unless they have a plan to continue exercising their brain.  Students can use [...]

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